JSON RPC API of Conflux network.
📄️ cfx Namespace
为了使软件应用程序与 Conflux 区块链交互——无论是读取区块链数据还是向网络发送交易——它必须连接到一个 Conflux 节点。
📄️ txpool Namespace
txpool 相关的 RPC 可以让开发者获取更多关于交易池的信息。 Which was introduced from conflux-rust v1.1.6.
📄️ pos Namespace
conflux-rust introduces the PoS finality starting from v2.0.0 to speed up the finality of blocks and prevent 51% attacks. PoS finality will introduce an independent PoS chain for PoS consensus and finalizing PoW blocks. Correspondingly, PoS also has its own RPC methods for obtaining data from the PoS chain.
📄️ debug Namespace
📄️ trace Namespace
Through trace RPCs we can know the transaction executive details. To use these RPC Conflux archive node need set two additional config:
📄️ 发布/订阅 API
Conflux 的发布-订阅 API(也称为 pub-sub)使得可以持续地查询特定的项目,而不需要通过 JSON-RPC HTTP 接口进行轮询。 你可以在 TCP 或 WebSocket 连接之上使用 Conflux 的发布-订阅 API(也称为 pub-sub)。